It’s always been difficult for Haredi students to obtain the crucial academic qualifications that would enable them to earn good salaries and give their families financial security. Today, most serious careers require that applicants have academic degrees. This requirement also limits their ability to play an influential role in government, business, science and medicine, etc.
Young Haredi men and women face particular challenges when it comes to higher education:
- Finding courses that meet their religious needs
- Meeting the academic requirements for admission
- Paying for their tuition
- Supporting their young families while studying
The Haredi education system produces many highly intelligent students. The KEMACH Foundation enables these promising young students to acquire academic qualifications so that they can play an active role in Israeli society
KEMACH is forced to turn away thousands of scholarship students every year due to lack of funds. Many of the young men and women who approach KEMACH for career advice have the intellectual ability to study degree courses, but are unable to support their young families while they study with no solid income.
Lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh. 41 years old, married with 6 children. KEMACH launched Yaakov on the road to success when it funded a year of preparatory studies, including English and basic computer skills at a Haredi college in Bnei Brak. From there he went on to gain his B.Sc. in Computer Science, his M.Sc. in Cyber Security and his B.Ed. in Computer Science Education at Machon Lev, where he is now working toward his Doctorate. Today, he not only teaches at Machon Lev, but he also works in the Prime Minister’s Office, where he is responsible for computer networks and security. “I am eternally grateful to Kemach for facilitating the process which enabled me to maximize my potential while remaining true to Torah values. I can still learn in Kollel every morning because my qualifications enable me to support my family by working in the afternoons and teaching in the evenings. I could not have achieved this without Kemach’s transformative scholarship

In Partnership With Government
KEMACH partners with Israel’s Council for Higher Education (CHE) to give scholarships to suitably qualified students. In 2019 alone, through the CHE, the Israel government contributed 12,000,000 NIS in academic scholarships through grants and loans for KEMACH students. Undergraduate students typically receive 7,000 NIS each year, which covers up to 70% of their tuition fees.
Without additional philanthropic funds, the KEMACH Foundation is unable to provide scholarships to deserving applicants. In 2019, of the 6,445 Haredi applicants reviewed by KEMACH, 1,000 men and 500 women were deemed eligible and are currently awaiting funding. An additional 500 applicants were deemed eligible for graduate level studies, but they also remain on our waiting list for funding.
We are asking for your help to sponsor scholarships for these 2,000 students at an average annual cost of $2,200 each.
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