Dear Friends of Kemach,
For the past 13 years, the Kemach Foundation has been providing academic and vocational scholarships to help Haredi men and women obtain the education they need to integrate into Israel’s job market. Thank G-d, our Kemach family now includes 20,000 graduates who are employed in all sectors of the economy and are able to support their families with dignity.
The Kemach graduates serve as models of successful integration into the labor force for the entire Haredi world.
You can make a difference by helping them make a living!
Although our budget is significant, it is insufficient to meet the thousands of requests for scholarship assistance that we receive every year.
This year alone, we were forced to disappoint 4,852 men and women whose only chance of pursuing advanced studies is through Kemach assistance!
Therefore, we are turning to you, dear friend, to help expand the circle of scholarship recipients. Your monthly donation of $180 for one year to the Kemach Scholarship Fund will enable one more person to provide a respectable living for his/her family, and, in turn, join the giving side – all thanks to you