We were deeply moved when we received this beautiful photo of Menachem Mendel, a Chabad Chasid who decided to pursue a calling in medicine, to help people during their most difficult times.
Menachem Mendel has started his fourth and final year of medical school and is now starting rounds in the Anesthesiology Department, where he will acquire tools in emergency medicine and invasive procedures such as intubation, and will deepen his knowledge of physiology and pharmacology.
He shared with us that the role of the anesthesiologist is very important in a surgical procedure. “Last year I accompanied my son, who was undergoing surgery, which thank G-d, ended successfully. I can’t forget what the anesthesiologist said to me prior to the operation. “I treat your son as if he were my own.” The calm and confidence that he inspired in me was a defining moment in my understanding of the importance of the human connection and the love of your fellow man that is so important in the healing process. The mitzvah of loving your neighbor as yourself took on a deeper and more simple meaning.”

Gateway to a medical career that provides a respectable livelihood
This week the Kivun Center hosted an exciting conference that introduced participants to the field